Monday, 11 March 2013

Big Tobacco

Big Tobacco Biography
How smoking kills?
LUNG CANCER : 90% of people who develop lung cancer are current or former smokers. Risk for lung cancer increases with number of cigarette smoked (1 pack per day smoker is at higher risk  than half packs per day smoker) longer one has smoked more is the risk for lung cancer ( a person who has smoked for 20 years is at  a higher  risk than one who smoked for 10years). In USA, lung cancer causes more deaths than breast cancer, prostrate cancer and colon caner together
Smoking known cause of many other cancers like throat cancer, esophageal cancer, stomach cancer, cancer of pancreas, breast cancer, kidney cancer and prostrate cancer.
Other Lung Diseases:
Smoking  causes medical conditions called emphysema and bronchitis (COPD).  In these conditions the lung tissue is permanently damaged, as a result patient develops cough, difficulty in breathing and may develop symptoms which mimic asthma. Patient gets lung infections (pneumonia) easily. In this case, lung can not make enough oxygen which, ultimately, leads to  breathing failure and death.
Heart Attack: Tobacco  smoking is a leading cause of heart attack.  Smokers have  twice risk of fatal heart disease. Tobacco smoke has chemicals which causes hardening of the blood vessel with plaque formation (atherosclerosis) which blocks the blood supply to the heart muscle resulting heart attack and death.
Stroke: Smoking increases the risk of stroke.  Smokers have three fold risk of stroke. 15% deaths due to stroke are smoking related.

Big Tobacco
Big Tobacco
Big Tobacco
Big Tobacco
Big Tobacco
Big Tobacco
Big Tobacco
Big Tobacco
Big Tobacco
Big Tobacco
Big Tobacco
Big Tobacco
Big Tobacco
Big Tobacco
Big Tobacco
Big Tobacco
Big Tobacco
Big Tobacco
Big Tobacco
Big Tobacco
Big Tobacco

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