Monday, 11 March 2013

Tobacco Effects

Tobacco Effects Biography
Other Adverse Effects of Smoking: Risk for Hip, due to tinning of bones (osteoporosis), stomach ulcer, early wrinkling of skin and sleep disturbance.
Second Hand Smoking is a serous business. A person who smokes not only harms himself but people around him like coworkers and family members who are at a high risk to develop cancers, heart disease, stroke and lung infections. Children of smokers are at risk of developing asthma, bronchitis, sinus infections and mental retardation.
Smokeless tobacco like chewing and sniffing tobacco also has poisonous and cancerous chemicals which cause mouth, gum and throat cancers.
"I CANT QUIT," is the most common response when a smoker is asked to quit.
"YES YOU CAN QUIT," should be the answer.
By understanding the ill effects of smoking and also that you are not only poisoning your self, but also your family and friends by giving them second hand smoke. There is help available in form of counseling by physicians, by nicotine products like nicotine patches, nicotine gum, and nicotine spray, and two drugs namely Bupropion and Varenicline. They help by preventing withdrawal symptoms by nicotine dependence. If a patient is motivated with the help of a physician, and one of these medications, he may able to quit.
Role of society and government:
Pakistan Government gets 0.7 % of its GNP from tobacco taxation. This amount is close to the amount spent on health care.
Being a big source of revenue, there is a lack of desire to discourage tobacco use. Society in general is not fully aware of smoking/tobacco related hazards. There is a dire need of aggressive anti-smoking awareness campaign, involving civil society, media, business community, school, college and university students. Government needs to strictly implement already exciting anti-smoking laws which prohibit smoking in public places. 
Tobacco Effects
Tobacco Effects
Tobacco Effects
Tobacco Effects
Tobacco Effects
Tobacco Effects
Tobacco Effects
Tobacco Effects
Tobacco Effects
Tobacco Effects
Tobacco Effects
Tobacco Effects
Tobacco Effects
Tobacco Effects
Tobacco Effects
Tobacco Effects
Tobacco Effects
Tobacco Effects
Tobacco Effects
Tobacco Effects

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