Monday, 11 March 2013

Tobacco Advertising

Tobacco Advertising Biography
Tobacco advertising is the advertising of tobacco products or use (typically cigarette smoking) by the tobacco industry through a variety of media including sponsorship, particularly of sporting events. It is now one of the most highly regulated forms of marketing. Some or all forms of tobacco advertising are banned in many countries.
The first known advertisement in the USA was for the snuff and tobacco products of P. Lorillard and Company and was placed in the New York daily paper in 1789. Advertising was an emerging concept, and tobacco-related adverts were not seen as any different from those for other products: their negative impact on health was unknown at the time. Local and regional newspapers were used because of the small-scale production and transportation of these goods. The first real brand name to become known on a bigger scale in the USA was "Bull Durham" which emerged in 1868, with the advertising placing the emphasis on how easy it was "to roll your own".[1]

Tobacco Advertising
Tobacco Advertising
Tobacco Advertising
Tobacco Advertising
Tobacco Advertising
Tobacco Advertising
Tobacco Advertising
Tobacco Advertising
Tobacco Advertising
Tobacco Advertising
Tobacco Advertising

Tobacco Advertising
Tobacco Advertising
Tobacco Advertising
Tobacco Advertising
Tobacco Advertising
Tobacco Advertising
Tobacco Advertising
Tobacco Advertising
Tobacco Advertising

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