Monday, 11 March 2013

Tobacco Rolling Machines

Tobacco Rolling Machines Biography
It is all about making up your mind and having the will. Smokers who quit go through different phases starting from ‘not wanting to quit’ to ‘considering quitting’ to ‘actively quitting’ and eventually ‘successfully quitting’. Smoking cessation has both immediate and long term health benefits for men and women of all ages. Those who never smoke or quit early (the sooner the better, especially before age fifty) live a healthier and longer life than non-smokers (provided they are otherwise healthy). Cessation decreases risk of cancer up to one- half while there is substantial decrease in risk of other illnesses as well. The risk of lung cancer reduces within five years of stopping, although ex-smokers still carry greater risk of lung cancer than those who never smoked in their life. Risk of dying from heart disease is also reduced by almost fifty percent after stopping for one year and continues to decline over time, even to the rate of nonsmokers within two years of quitting. It also adds to better oral hygiene, gums, teeth and breath, not to mention the aura a smoker carries with him/herself.
It is the addictive effect of nicotine which makes it difficult for a smoker to quit smoking. It has psychological dependence with mood-elevation. Worst off is the craving and especially the ‘high’ feeling of lighting and then holding that cigarette between fingers to take that deep puff inside! Withdrawal symptoms are worst in the first week and decrease over the next two months. Common symptoms include headaches, nausea, shakes or tremors, cough, hunger, fatigue and restlessness, lack of sleep as well as mild depression and anxiety. Many patients complain of bad constipation, intestinal upsets and mild weight gain. However, these problems are minor and usually short lived with less of a health risk, if any. Medical advice to continue with a smoke, two to three times a day is nothing but a popular myth in these cases.

Tobacco Rolling Machines
Tobacco Rolling Machines
Tobacco Rolling Machines
Tobacco Rolling Machines
Tobacco Rolling Machines
Tobacco Rolling Machines
Tobacco Rolling Machines
Tobacco Rolling Machines
Tobacco Rolling Machines
Tobacco Rolling Machines
Tobacco Rolling Machines
Tobacco Rolling Machines
Tobacco Rolling Machines
Tobacco Rolling Machines
Tobacco Rolling Machines
Tobacco Rolling Machines
Tobacco Rolling Machines
Tobacco Rolling Machines
Tobacco Rolling Machines
Tobacco Rolling Machines

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