Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Effects Of Tobacco

Effects Of Tobacco Biography

Plant Tissue Culture: Effect of Hormones on Tobacco ExplantsPlant tissue culture is typically performed using a defined basal media, which is supplementedwith hormones when optimum growth and differentiation are desired. A defined media usuallyconsists of macro- and micro- salts, an exogenous energy source like sucrose (most plant tissuesphotosynthesize poorly in culture, at least initially), and one or more vitamins (especially thiamine). For the culturing of tobacco (Nicotiana) we will use a modification of the well-known media formulation of Murishige and Skoog (1962, Physiologia Plantarum, 15:473-497):Murishige & Skoog salt base Macro salts mg/liter The complete medium also contains 100 mg/liter of inositol, 0.4 mg/liter thiamine, 8 g/liter ofagar (to provide a gel-like support), 20 g/liter of sucrose, and one (or no) of two hormones. ThepH of the media was adjusted to pH 5.7 with NaOH and sterilized by autoclaving for 15 min (121 C at 15 PSI). oThe culturing of tissues under defined conditions has been very useful for studying various aspects of plant physiology, nutritional requirements, and plant development. In this lab, the effects of napthaleneacetic acid (NAA, an auxin), and benzyladenine (BA, a cytokinin) on thegrowth of leaf explants of tobacco, as well as a gravitropic response, will be assessed.Plant growth and development is often sensitive to gravity. Directional growth in response to
gravity is called gravitropism. Roots respond to gravity
Effects Of Tobacco
Effects Of Tobacco
Effects Of Tobacco
Effects Of Tobacco
Effects Of Tobacco
Effects Of Tobacco
Effects Of Tobacco
Effects Of Tobacco
Effects Of Tobacco
Effects Of Tobacco
Effects Of Tobacco
Effects Of Tobacco
Effects Of Tobacco
Effects Of Tobacco
Effects Of Tobacco
Effects Of Tobacco
Effects Of Tobacco
Effects Of Tobacco
Effects Of Tobacco
Effects Of Tobacco

1 comment:

  1. tobacco free Herbal Cigarettes have helped me to stop smoking tobacco! And even if there is a ban, you can still smoke 100% tobacco free herbal cigarettes!
