Top Tobacco Biography
Studies indicate that the use of conventional snuff and chewing tobacco is associated with an increased risk for oral cancer. Our Patient to Survivor message board has plenty of real life people that can speak to their addictions and their development of oral cancers, for those who doubt. It is particularly alarming that an increasing number if young people are using such products. The marketing strategies of the tobacco companies to sell these products with fruity flavors that are particularly attractant to our youth is particularly deplorable. Smokeless tobacco users increase their risks of cancers of the oral cavity, pharynx (throat), larynx, and esophagus. Oral cancer can include cancer of the lip, tongue, cheeks, gums, and the floor and roof of the mouth, as well as the tonsils and oropharynx (back of the throat) and it kills readily via metastasis out of the oral environment to vital organs of the body. People who use snuff have a much greater risk for cancer of the cheek and gum than people who do not use tobacco.
While some advocates for smokeless state that the tobacco companies are not aggressively marketing their products to our youth, they mistakenly think that the viral spread of tobacco marketing on the web, is going unnoticed. This effort is in many respects under the radar to adults who spend less time in the social networking world of the web, and are less conversant in how this cyber world functions. It is s medium without regulation, and ideas spread rapidly, whether on personal blog sites or front sites for tobacco advocates.
Some of the other effects of smokeless tobacco include addiction to nicotine, oral leukoplakia (white mouth lesions that can become cancerous), gum disease (periodontal disease), gum recession (when the gum pulls away, or recedes from the teeth), loss of bone in the jaw, tooth decay (a result of sugar additives to enhance the flavor of smokeless tobacco), tooth loss, tooth abrasion (worn spots on the teeth), yellowing of the teeth, chronic bad breath, unhealthy eating habits (smokeless tobacco lessens a person's sense of taste and ability to smell, so users tend to eat saltier and sweeter foods which are both harmful in excess), high blood pressure (spit tobacco contains high concentrations of salt), and increased risk for cardiovascular (heart) disease and heart attacks.
Remember that this is a a product which has been historically UNREGULATED and no one in the tobacco industry has to release any information about what it contains, what they know about its effects, or harms that it may cause. This is an industry that has a history of lying to the American public about their products that goes back for decades. OCF feels that any data supported by tobacco dollars, even if through university grants, is suspect and should be confirmed by independent sources. In the long run we believe that tobacco products should be regulated as any other addiction producing product in our marketplace.
Top Tobacco
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