Friday, 8 March 2013

Bugler Tobacco

Bugler Tobacco Biography
Bugler Tobacco Review I have been trying different brands and blends of loose tobacco for hand rolling my own cigarettes. After the April 1st tax increase on cigarettes I can no longer justify spending that outrageous amount on a pack of cigarettes. I will admit that I am not crazy about smoking non filtered cigarettes, but it is helping me to dramatically cut back on how much I smoke each day and I am saving a lot of money. I can make one pouch of about .75 ounce of tobacco last for 5 days. I would have spent nearly $50 in 5 days if I were still purchasing my standard brand. Now I spend around $4 per 5 days of my bad habit.
I recently tried Bugler tobacco in full flavor because it was the only brand the store I stopped at had in stock. I had never used Bugler before but I know many people have been loyal to this brand for many years. I was impressed immediately by the higher quality of papers you get with Bugler brand loose tobacco. You get 40 easy to roll with papers in every package. The tobacco itself is not as impressive in my opinion. I have been using the cheapest I can get, Gambler, and I prefer it to Bugler.Bugler brand loose tobacco is very dry and scraggly looking. It is hard to roll, it is harsh, and it does not smell fantastic lit or not. I have to admit that while tobacco is tobacco, Bugler is not the brand for me! I probably would not buy Bugler brands of tobacco again. It is too expensive for its low quality, and it does not smoke well.I think there are other superior brands available on the market. Hand rolling your own non filter cigarettes is pretty rough, but the experience should be at least semi pleasurable for the smoker, in my opinion. If I were to keep buying Bugler, I would quit a lot faster because I really cannot stand this tobacco product.I would also not recommend this loose tobacco brand to others. Gambler is a better brand that offers a more flavorful and easy to roll smoking experience than Bugler brand loose tobacco in my opinion. As for the other varieties of Bugler brand loose tobacco I can not comment. I will say this, the papers in this pouch of tobacco are fantastic, and they make up for the lack of quality in the tobacco with the high quality of rolling papers.
Bugler Tobacco
Bugler Tobacco
Bugler Tobacco
Bugler Tobacco
Bugler Tobacco
Bugler Tobacco
Bugler Tobacco
Bugler Tobacco
Bugler Tobacco
Bugler Tobacco
Bugler Tobacco
Bugler Tobacco
Bugler Tobacco
Bugler Tobacco
Bugler Tobacco
Bugler Tobacco
Bugler Tobacco
Bugler Tobacco
Bugler Tobacco

1 comment:

  1. Just FYI... TOP sells filters, $.99 for 100ct. And, purchase a roller. Cowboy style rolling is for the movies😀
