Monday, 11 March 2013

Dangers Of Tobacco

Dangers Of Tobacco Biography
Pakistan Medical Research Council notes that 54% of men and 20% of women use some form of tobacco on regular basis in Pakistan. Approximately 80% smokers start smoking before 18-20 years of age. Cigarette smoking is estimated to cause over 5 million deaths worldwide each year and over 400,000 deaths each year in the United States, making it the leading preventable cause of death.
Cigarette smokers have a higher risk of developing several chronic disorders. These include fatty buildups in arteries (Atherosclerosis), several types of cancer and lung diseases. Atherosclerosis is the chief contributor to the high number of deaths from smoking. It is progressive hardening of the arteries caused by the deposit of fatty plaques and the scarring and thickening of the artery wall. Inflammation in the artery wall and the development of blood clots can obstruct blood flow and cause heart attacks or strokes.
Nicotine present in smoke decreases oxygen to the heart, increases blood pressure and heart rate. It is also damaging to the cells lining the coronary arteries and increases the clotting factors in the blood.
Smokers continue to increase their risk of having heart attack the longer they smoke. People who smoke a pack of cigarettes a day have more than twice the risk of heart attack than non smokers. Patients who continue to smoke in the presence of established heart disease have increased risk of reinfarction and death including sudden cardiac death.
Smoking related coronary heart disease may also contribute to congestive heart failure. Smoking low-tar or low-nicotine cigarettes appears to have little effect on reducing risk of coronary heart disease. Smoking also increases Blood pressure and decreases exercise tolerance. Toxins in smoke also increase the risk of recurrent coronary heart disease after bypass surgery or angioplasty.
Women who smoke and use oral contraceptives (Birth control Pills) greatly increase there risk of coronary heart disease. Smoking also has adverse effect on Lipid content of blood by decreasing good cholesterol (HDL). Passive or second hand smoke is also risk factor for heat disease. Smokeless tobacco has been linked to cardiovascular mortality. It is important and encouraging to know that most smokers quit on there third attempt.
Smokers become conditioned to the pleasurable effects of tobacco use with environmental triggers such as their morning coffee. In- person counseling program generally involves gradual reduction of cigarette intake in preparation for quitting on a defined quit date. Interaction with the clinician with positive feed back is extremely important. Pharmacotherapy for smoking cessation aims to relieve the symptoms of nicotine withdrawal. Three categories of medications include Nicotine replacement therapy (NRT), buproprion and varenciline. Nicotine patches doubles the success of a quit attempt.  Most of the above mentioned medications are now available in Pakistan.
Quitting can prolong life; reduce your risk of cardiovascular and other smoking related diseases. Feel healthier with no coughing, no sore throats and increased in stamina. It also improves your skin, gets rid of stained teeth, improves your sense of taste and smell and saves a lot of money.
Dangers Of Tobacco
Dangers Of Tobacco
Dangers Of Tobacco
Dangers Of Tobacco
Dangers Of Tobacco
Dangers Of Tobacco
Dangers Of Tobacco
Dangers Of Tobacco
Dangers Of Tobacco
Dangers Of Tobacco
Dangers Of Tobacco
Dangers Of Tobacco
Dangers Of Tobacco
Dangers Of Tobacco
Dangers Of Tobacco
Dangers Of Tobacco
Dangers Of Tobacco
Dangers Of Tobacco
Dangers Of Tobacco
Dangers Of Tobacco

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