Monday, 11 March 2013

Tobacco Industry

Tobacco Industry Biography
Smoking cessation starts with the recognition of the fact that this is not just a habit but an addiction which eventually has fatal outcome. Once motivated, setting up a date to quit is the next step. Quitting ‘cold turkey’ is the most successful. Throw away the stock of cigarettes (tobacco), including that at home and in office (drawers, closets, car compartments, roof top etc.) as well as the ashtrays. Tell your close friends, co-workers and family members of your plan and request for their help in achieving this goal. Limit time spent with smokers. Ask them to stop smoking in office, at home or in the car. They need to go out to a designated area if they want to expose themselves to the harmful effects of tobacco smoking. Cravings lead to relapse, so avoid situations which produce the temptation, like alcohol consumption and undue stress. Thoughts like ‘I can have one cigarette only as that will not hurt’ should be discouraged. Avoid alcohol consumption as this triggers the urge to smoke. For Muslims the month of Ramadan can be a suitable time to set this target.
Nicotine craving is minimized by applying nicotine patch (es) in consultation with a physician and using nicotine gum. Other forms like nicotine lozenges, inhalers and sprays are also available but are costly. None of these is superior to the other. These modalities supply a small, steady amount of nicotine to the body which the doctor will slowly taper down as the craving is reduced. While using these, patient will not be exposed to the thousands of additional toxic agents and the hazardous effects of the smoke. Patients using nicotine replacement therapy, however, must not smoke.
Behavioral counseling and therapy as well as some medications when combined with above techniques enhance quit rates.
Some patients also benefit from regular exercise, drinking adequate fluids and eating fresh fruits while quitting. This prevents weight gain and also keeps a person fresh. Acupuncture and hypnosis have also shown limited benefits.
As individuals we can approach the administration and insist them on re-enforcing NO-smoking laws at work places, schools and colleges as well as other public places (parks, restaurants). Lobby for raising prices of cigarettes. Government should enforce strict penalty for those who smoke in public places. Physicians must discuss this issue with their patients during each clinic encounter. Parents should frequently talk about this threat with children and their teachers.
Say NO to smoking and do not feel ashamed of quitting. It is the best gift you can give to yourself and your family. The message is clear--- No matter whatever your age is or when you started or the amount and duration for which you smoked… quitting will definitely have positive impact on your health.

Tobacco Industry
Tobacco Industry
Tobacco Industry
Tobacco Industry
Tobacco Industry
Tobacco Industry
Tobacco Industry
Tobacco Industry
Tobacco Industry
Tobacco Industry
Tobacco Industry
Tobacco Industry
Tobacco Industry
Tobacco Industry
Tobacco Industry
Tobacco Industry
Tobacco Industry
Tobacco Industry
Tobacco Industry
Tobacco Industry

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